Saturday, May 15, 2010

The Long and the Short of It

With five months left till production, I'm considering whether Heydon should have long or short hair in the film. The role has him essentially playing a version of himself; a musician and university student. I have my own ideas conceptually but which look makes the young man more appealing?

Long and shaggy? Or short back and sides? Glasses or contact lenses?

Heydon in various guises; at graduation (left) and directing his award-winning nature documentary Ducklings and Me (right)

This may seem shallow but the reality is film and television are visual mediums and... the reason Megan Fox is an 'actress'. An example which illustrates my point was the first presidential debate between John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon, televised live in 1960.

John  F. Kennedy (left) and Richard Nixon (right) during the 1960 U.S. presidential debate.

The consensus of listeners who tuned into the radio broadcast maintained that Nixon argued his case more effectively, whereas the larger television audience engaged with JFK's charisma and screen presence. Also, Nixon wore no make up and his appearance was weathered due to a recent illness. Popular opinion suggests it was this telegenic 'beat-down' that swayed voters to Kennedy in what became the closest presidential election in United States history.

So what should I do with Heydon??

I'd be interested in your feedback... and yes, you can comment anonymously!


  1. My choice would be middle top photo. With glasses though not sun glasses :)

  2. I've got to agree with the first comment top middle image with glasses

  3. I like it longer

  4. I kinda like the whole look he's got going on in the youtube clip 'message to my girl' is kinda halfway between long and short and he suits the glasses too :)

  5. Hi,

    I like the two side pictures the most which is absolutely no help at all. Sorry

  6. Definitely the bottom middle photo...but with slightly longer hair...and a little bit of stubble

    Definitely no sun glasses!!

  7. Yeah longer hair with reading glasses.

  8. Longer hair with glasses is my pick :)

  9. Longer hair with glasses

  10. Long hair with glasses - top right picture. I like the style

  11. Long hair with reading glasses!

  12. The shortest cut is no good, no depth, but longest hair is over powering his persona and look, like it has a life of its own, medium length is good, has character and style, without stealing the show...
    reading glasses...hmmm, difficult, has to be well filmed and lit, otherwise the eyes are lost, and thats half the act, but they are great character builders, and can do the old character development later in the film when start not to wear, revealing new depths/levels of openness of character.......

  13. Long hair with glasses, imagine if Johnny Utah had long hair and glasses in Point break. SORTED.

  14. Shaggy and glasses.

  15. From what I can gather...looks like mid to long hair might suit his character better?
